Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

In my book "The Perks Of Being A Wallflower" its just the narrator telling us what happened. Happened like how there was this guy at his school that committed suicide but he doesn't understand why. I didn't really get far in the book, only to where it describes  how people were like around the school. There was an assembly for the student that killed himself and they let his close friends say something during.

The POV in this story is 1st. I know this because in the story it says "They called my brother to pick me up". This proves that when he said "I" It wasn't in dialogue. If it was in a dialogue when he said it, it would have been in 3rd person point of view, and its him talking about his friends, not like someone who isn't in the story. He is, he's the main person.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, don't just tell me the POV. Explain why it's being used, why it helps the story, etc... Analyze, don't just give facts.
